Chair/Principal O'Kelly SchoolKATHERINE MACFARLANE
Vice-Chair/Principal Prairie Hope High SchoolLON CULLEN
Treasurer/Community Member - President & CEO YMCA of BrandonBoard Member since 1998 (founding member). As a former school principal I found that learning was impacted when children came to school hungry. They could not concentrate as well when their basic needs were not being met. Food for Thought came out of a group of individuals who sought to remove or overcome that barrier to learning and nourishment so that children could reach their potential.
Community Member - Retired PrincipalBoard Member since 2008. Brandon’s Food for Thought is important to me because it is ensuring that no student will come to school hungry. We are also ensuring those students who need a nutritional breakfast or snack are getting one so they can focus more on their learning at school. I have seen how Brandon’s Food for Thought Program has made such a positive impact on students throughout the Brandon School Division.
Principal Betty Gibson SchoolBARB MILLER
Principal Meadows SchoolBRITTANY STEVEN
Community Member - Human Resources Leader, Koch FertilizerANGIE STRACHAN
Secretary/Staff - Program CoordinatorProgram Coordinator since fall 2017. I am passionate and an advocate with Brandon’s Food for Thought Program. From volunteering at my children’s school and working as a lunch supervisor I have seen how many students are coming to school hungry which affects their learning. Partnering with our community and educating students and families about the importance of eating a nutritional breakfast or snack will benefit these students in many ways.